Woodlands School

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Woodlands School, Picklecombe Drive, off Tamerton Foliot Road, Whitleigh, PLYMOUTH PL6 5ES


01752 300101

Woodlands School

Creating Empowered Lives

PfA Parent Group


Devon Documents provided by Josie Hanson (Devon PfA Team)

 all about me.docxDownload
 PFA Full Information Pack_V2.pdfDownload
 Preparing for Adulthood Toolkit_Version2.docxDownload
 Who we are - PFA Team.docxDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Cornwall Documents provided by Fiona McNamara (Social Care Transitions Team)

 Care Act Assessment and Eligiblity Explained.pdfDownload
 Transitions Needs Assessment List for carers.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Health Information provided by Sally Meetham and Kath Ingram Community Learning Disability Team

 CLDT Leaflet final version 271021.pdfDownload
 Health Information.pdfDownload
 PCL leaflet- draft 10.06.2020.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Currently, the Parent Meetings will take place on Zoom. Please sign up HERE to receive the link to the next meeting.

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Our second meeting!

Posted: Jul 2, 2021 by: Philip Hanrahan (Philip) on: News Blog

We successfully met as a group yesterday and were pleased to welcome the input from the three local authorities, Plymouth, Cornwall and Devon.

Can I extend our gratitude to Dominic Bourton (Plymouth), Sheila Burley (Cornwall) and Josie Hanson (Devon) for sharing a little about what they do and answering questions. The theme surrounding the work that they do was abundantly about communicating and the teams around our children, which is a great endorsement for the reasons we have these meetings.

Over the next few weeks I am hoping to ask representatives from social care (children’s/adults’) to attend the next meeting which is scheduled on Thursday 30th September 2021.

In the 'Resources' section are fantastic resources provided by Josie Hanson. Josie is a social worker from the Devon ‘Preparing for Adulthood’ Team. I think that you will agree that these resources will be very helpful for those who live in Devon, but there are also great toolkits for any child on their journey into adulthood. We will certainly be looking at these closely here at Woodlands School!  

We discussed how the group was aimed at the parents of those with EHCPs who are aged 14+, but wanted to stress to everyone that any parent can join the group to find out information regardless of EHCP status, as we are sensitive to the fact that some children don’t have one or are on their journey towards one. These children and young adults would benefit from the guidance being discussed. Please do not hesitate to advertise the group as widely as you can, as I do believe that the correct information and support at the right time for our students can be life changing.

If you do share, please include this link, as its really important people sign up for data and security reasons when we are inviting people to online forums:


Zoom links will only be sent to people on this mailing list.

I am also keen to explore any options for groups to join if there are any established parents forums that invites can be sent to. Please get in touch and we can look to extend our mailing lists.

Kind regards, Philip


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