Pupil Premium
Woodlands Pupil Premium Strategies
Woodlands school uses its Pupil Premium grant in a creative way to best meet the varied needs of children and young people in this group. We have chosen to focus on making a difference to the individual child where this can have the greatest impact. The school also receives funding for Year 7 pupils who have additional needs (Y7 catch up funding). We add this into the pupil premium pot as it is best used in this way. Where a Year 7 pupil has specific need, this is meet via the funding. The funding is used primarily to provide the services of specialists such as an educational psychologist and an occupational therapist. The specialist knowledge of such colleagues is then used in a multi-agency way with staff, families and children themselves to identify the root causes of difficulties with learning. This can take some time and often requires intensive work. The SENCO and senor leadership team review the progress of children in receipt of Pupil Premium grant support on a regular basis to ensure that the spending is having a positive effect.
We also creatively use our Sports Premium grant for supporting children to access physical activity from the most fundamental of bases. For some pupils, developing their stamina and oxygen uptake is essential for promoting good learning. We believe in using the grant to facilitate healthy lives and this may be in the form of physical adventurous play or activity. Blending learning with physical activity and sport has been highly effective for a number of our learners.
We ensure that service children get a similar support level to others in receipt of pupil premium as we understand that many of their difficulties result from the challenges of discontinuous home life experiences.
The new COVID Premium grant has been used to fund additional Educational Psychology sessions in school to maximise the impact that this limited funding stream can have for our community. We know that our families have found the pandemic challenging to manage, and while many of the children have shown resilience on returning to school, the same experiences have not always been had at home. We know that this wider support of our families will positively impact on the outcomes for our young people as well as their parents and carers. We are offering a set of six sessions for parents to confidentially discuss their worries and concerns in a safe setting. This is going well and the feedback so far is that this is a 'live saver'.
The documents below give details of our Pupil Premium (inc. Y& catch up funding) and Sports Premium spending and the impact it has had on children's learning. All evaluations of our previous year's plans and forward spending plans for the following year are undertaken in April annually.
Pupil Premium Reports
Pupil Premium Strategy for 2022-2025
Pupil Premium Strategy for 2021-2024
Pupil Premium Spending Plan for 2021-22
Pupil Premium Impact Evaluation 2020-21
Pupil Premium Spending Plan for 2020-21
Pupil Premium Impact evaluation 2019-20
Pupil Premium Spending Plan for 2019-20
Pupil Premium Impact evaluation 2018-19
Pupil Premium Spending Plan for 2018-19
Sports Premium Reports
PE and Sport Premium Report - March 2024
PE and Sport Premium Report - March 2023
Sports Premium impact report 2021-22 and Spending Plan
Sport Premium Spending Plan 20-21
Sport Premium Impact Evaluation and Spending Plan for 2019-20
Sport Premium Spending plan for 2018-19
Financial Benchmarking
Anyone can see how Woodlands School spends its allocated funding. You can use this link to explore how we spend our allocation.
Schools Financial Benchmarking - GOV.UK (schools-financial-benchmarking.service.gov.uk)