Educational Psychology
Woodlands has access to a dedicated amount of Psychology team hours each year. Extra hours are purchased to support the learning of pupils in receipt of pupil premium. All staff work closely with the educational psychologist and this benefits young people as staff expertise in this area is ever increasing.
In our school, the educational psychologist:
* Uses psychology to support all children and young people by providing training, consultation and project work for adults working with them
* Undertakes direct work with children and young people to assess, support and assist them in their development, learning and behaviour
* Works with us in developing whole school change, for example: school discipline; learning styles; effective teaching and learning; and emotional intelligence
* Works within a multi-agency context in applying psychology, the service uses developmental psychology to inform social policy
Access to the service is based on a consultative framework where the level of involvement is negotiated with the educational psychologist. Contact is usually made via a school or another support service.