Preparing for Adulthood
Our 14 - 19 curriculum is particularly flexible to meet the needs of all learners. Each student has access to an individualised ‘Study Programme’ which focuses on Preparing for Adulthood (PfA), addressing their potential in Education, Health, Social and Independence Skills.
Opportunities for students to develop life skills and work related experiences takes place within the department and offsite at a range of different venues. We provide students with valuable skills to prepare them for their transition into adulthood.
Accredited, recognisable qualifications through ASDAN and AQA provide students with a portfolio that celebrates their achievements and documents their most recent learning journey as young adults. Those who need a more therapeutic based curriculum are able to access a variety of experiences that are relevant, stimulating and of interest to the individual, as well as developing their resilience and transition towards new provisions and wider community participation.
Our curriculum is based on individual preferences and aspirations and has a practical emphasis on independence, living skills and employability with appropriate cross curricular links to core skills such as Literacy, Maths, RHSE and Computing. The aim of this curriculum is to enhance personal confidence and independence so that learners are able to make informed choices about individual lifestyles and future opportunities. Opportunities for relevant work experience ensure the skills and abilities that students have acquired are practically applied in preparation for the workplace. Internships are an option that students can take to focus on a particular line of employment and focus their skills in areas that they vocationally aspire towards.
Young people may leave at any time during this phase of learning to attend other providers of education, training and skills. Many young people choose stay on at school until they are 19 years old. Destinations for young people leaving Woodlands include City College Plymouth, St Austell College, Dame Hannah Rogers Adult provision, National Star College and Duchy College. We work closely with other 6th Forms such as those at Cann Bridge and Mill Ford Schools to give students the opportunity to broaden their peer groups. Students occasionally transfer to these 6th Forms to continue their education. We work with young people and their families to secure an appropriate and accessible destination for future learning and development. This happens with the support of Careers South West and a transition team.