Woodlands School

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Woodlands School, Picklecombe Drive, off Tamerton Foliot Road, Whitleigh, PLYMOUTH PL6 5ES


01752 300101

Woodlands School

Creating Empowered Lives


We are committed to excellent practice in safeguarding children and young people in our school.  All staff are trained to understand their professional responsibility to be alert to the threat of child abuse, to be aware of, and able to recognise different forms of abuse and to refer any suspicion of abuse to the school's Designated Child Protection Persons.

We ensure that staff have the skills and knowledge to manage their duties regarding safeguarding by giving them at least annual dedicated training on a range of safeguarding and child protection topics.  This is supplemented by a regular focus on safeguarding in our staff meetings and through our weekly bulletins. 

Staff are offered opportunities to make comments on the development of policy and practices though regular questionnaires and they are always keen to participate. 

We uphold strict standards of recruitment by having a stringent process for recruiting staff, volunteers and students who work and learn in our school. 

We ensure that we have the same level of vigilance from organisations where we send our pupils on inclusion placements or other off-site activities.  Our safeguarding policy incorporates child protection and this is available in Policies.

Below is a copy of the letter we send to partners with whom we have a working relationship which verifies the position of safeguarding certification at our school.

Letter of Assurance


 Our Safeguarding Team

At Woodlands, our Headteacher, Andrea Hemmens, is our Designated safeguarding lead (DSL).  Deputy headteachers, Beth Redfern and Philip Hanrahan are Deputy designated safeguarding leads (DDSLs). 

We meet every week to consider any safeguarding issues with a wider team of our school nurses and physiotherapy lead.  We also invite staff to join us to discuss any worries they may have.  As a group, we get safeguarding supervision on a regular basis from a highly experienced children with disabilities social worker who helps develop and challenge our thinking and practices. 


Andrea Hemmens, DSL

Beth Redfern, DDSL

Philip Hanrahan, DDSL

We are happy to support staff, families and visitors with any safeguarding concerns you may have. Please contact us at the school or on the following email address:  dsl@woodlands.plymouth.sch.uk

What to do if you are worried about a child or young person.

Speak out - If you have heard or seen something that worries you, or if you think someone is being abused, please do something about it!  You can contact us on the email above or the agencies below. 

You can contact Plymouth Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub on 01752 668000.

You can find out up to date information from the Southwest Child protection website http://www.proceduresonline.com/swcpp/



How we manage allegations of abuse made against a person who works with children.

All agencies/organisations within Plymouth who work with children have a duty to comply with and follow, the South West Child Protection Procedures.

Full details of the responsibilities on individual agencies and organisations for reporting such allegations and concerns and their subsequent duties and obligations are laid out clearly, in the procedures flow chart. 

Any allegation is reported to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), within one working day, where an individual has:

  • behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child; or
  • possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child; or
  • behaved in a way that indicates he/she is unsuitable to work with children. 


We are actively promoting e.safety - find out more here.