Contacts & Links
Woodlands is much more than the sum of its parts! We have a number of different aspects of our work which reach out into the wider community and this is where to find out all about them.
Our Outreach service for young people with physical disabilities is commissioned by Plymouth Local Authority and run by our dedicated team of staff. We support young people in mainstream and special schools across Plymouth to ensure they can access their learning and the school environment appropriately. We work with the host school to maximise the opportunities offered to the young people as well as to train staff in a variety of useful approaches.
Our Nursery clubs offer opportunities for parents and carers to learn alongside their child through Play Together and Aquatots each week. These are free sessions which are open to any child with physical or sensory needs. Please remember that attending the clubs does not guarantee a place at our school: admissions continue to be managed by local authority panels. We believe in offering an early boost and this is exactly what these clubs offer!
We actively fundraise for larger projects and pieces of equipment for our young people that cannot be bought from the school budget. Our Friends of Woodlands is open to anyone who wishes to help us reach our goals. We have affiliations with a wide variety of external clubs and groups who actively support us. We regularly ask our local community for donations of prizes for raffles, support with projects and involvement in our fundraising ventures.
In the last 10 years, the local community and Friends have helped us buy a new school minibus, fund a white sensory room and create allotments, an outdoor playground and a solardome. Our current projects are fundraising for a new minibus and updating our soft play facilities.
Please click on the tabs for more information on any of these aspects of our work.
Woodlands School
Wood View Learning Community
Picklecombe Drive
off Tamerton Foliot Road
01752 300101
Headteacher - Mrs Andrea Hemmens
Deputy Headteacher - Mrs Beth Redfern
Deputy Headteacher - Mr Philip Hanrahan
Senior Administrator - Mrs Louise Davies
Direct Woodlands numbers
Speech & Language - 01752 581600
Physiotherapy - 01752 300104
Outreach service - 01752 300108
Other useful numbers
Sir John Hunt - 01752 201020
Whitleigh Primary - 01752 706383
Plymouth School Transport - 01752 308770
Admission Referrals - 01752 307409
Plymouth Continence Service - 01752 435232
Cornwall Continence Service - 01726 291042
Devon Continence Service - 01769 575182
Child Development Centre (Plymouth) - 0845 1558174
Plymouth Dental Access Centre - 0845 1558070
Fresenieus Home Care (feeds) - 08081001990