Woodlands School

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Woodlands School, Picklecombe Drive, off Tamerton Foliot Road, Whitleigh, PLYMOUTH PL6 5ES


01752 300101

Woodlands School

Creating Empowered Lives

1. Statutory Policies

2. Non-Statutory Policies, Reviews and Guidance

Alcohol Substance and Smoking Policy
Allegation Management Flow Chart
Anti Bullying (Children & Young People) Policy
Anti Bullying and Harassment Policy
Appraising Teacher Performance Policy
Assessment for Learning Policy
Bloodborne Infectious Diseases Policy
Collective Worship Policy
Consultation with Pupils and Young People
Curriculum Policy
Early Years Foundation Stage Policy
Eating and Drinking Best Practice
Emotional Wellbeing Policy
English & Literacy Policy
English Policy
Exam Contingency Plan Policy
Examinations Appeal Policy
Fire Safety Policy and Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Flexible Working Policy
Freedom of Information Policy
Governor Visit Policy
Guidance for Safe Working Practice
Home School Liaison Policy
Hydrotherapy & Waterbased Activity Policy
Intimate Care Policy
Job Sharing Policy
Looked After Children Policy
Management of Allegations of Abuse Made Against Staff and Volunteers Policy
Management of home made foods in School
Managing Staff Attendance Policy
Maternity and Adoption Policy
Menopause Policy
Mental Health & Wellbeing Policy
Mobile Phone & Device Policy
Monitoring the Effectiveness of the Curriculum Policy
Parental Leave Policy
Paternity Leave Policy
Photography and Images Policy
Physical Intervention Policy
Placements Policy
Positive Touch Policy
Probation Policy for Support Staff
Professional Development and Training Policy
Pupil Premium Policy
Recruitment and Selection Policy
Recruitment of Applicants with a Criminal Record Policy
Redundancy Policy
Relationships Policy
Resignation and Dismissal Procedure
Serious Illness Outbreak Policy
Social Media Policy
Staff and Governors Behaviour Policy
Staff Ill Health Capability Policy
Support Staff Performance and Appraisal Policy
Supporting Children with Medical Conditions Policy
Transport and Bus Policy
Uniform Protocol Policy
Visits and Off-site Activities
Whistleblowing Policy

3. Other Statutory Documents

4. New Staff Compulsory Reading