Woodlands School

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Woodlands School, Picklecombe Drive, off Tamerton Foliot Road, Whitleigh, PLYMOUTH PL6 5ES


01752 300101

Woodlands School

Creating Empowered Lives

PfA Parent Group


Devon Documents provided by Josie Hanson (Devon PfA Team)

 all about me.docxDownload
 PFA Full Information Pack_V2.pdfDownload
 Preparing for Adulthood Toolkit_Version2.docxDownload
 Who we are - PFA Team.docxDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Cornwall Documents provided by Fiona McNamara (Social Care Transitions Team)

 Care Act Assessment and Eligiblity Explained.pdfDownload
 Transitions Needs Assessment List for carers.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Health Information provided by Sally Meetham and Kath Ingram Community Learning Disability Team

 CLDT Leaflet final version 271021.pdfDownload
 Health Information.pdfDownload
 PCL leaflet- draft 10.06.2020.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Currently, the Parent Meetings will take place on Zoom. Please sign up HERE to receive the link to the next meeting.

Latest PfA Parents Group Events

There are currently no events.

Calendars page(s): PfA Parents Group >>


Our first meeting (20/05/2021) was a huge success!

Posted: Jun 7, 2021 by: Philip Hanrahan (Philip) on: News Blog

Good afternoon everyone,


First of all, thank you so much for those attending the parents’ meeting and in particular to Bob Burton (PIAS), Megan Kenneally-Stone (DIAS) and Denise Facey (SENDIAS) for their essential input.


One of our parents has kindly offered to begin a whatsapp group for parents to join and share, ask and contribute to. Please email pfaparentgroup@woodlands.plymouth.sch.uk if you would like to be added to this group.  


Our next meeting will be 01/07/2021 at 11am. We hope to have a representative from each local authority attend and give a quick presentation followed by Q and As.


Thanks again for you time and please feel free to share this link with other parents and advertise, and I will send them the invite to the next meeting:






Megan Kenneally-Stone (Devon):










Bob Burton (Plymouth:


01752 258933  option one


Plymouth Information, Advice & Support for SEND (plymouthias.org.uk)


Denise Facey (Cornwall):


Home - SEND IASS - Cornwall (cornwallsendiass.org.uk)


The link to our next meeting will follow soon,




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