Woodlands School

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Woodlands School, Picklecombe Drive, off Tamerton Foliot Road, Whitleigh, PLYMOUTH PL6 5ES


01752 300101

Woodlands School

Creating Empowered Lives

Values & Ethos

Our mission at Woodlands School

We want our children to ACHIEVE WELL and have the opportunities to mAXIMISE their abilities and skills in an inclusive Environment.

  We will ensure:

  • Children have fun and success in their learning.
  • All our children receive personalised learning and support.
  • Our children benefit from inclusive experiences of education from early years to transition.
  • Our families are supported in their journey.
  • Staff have the opportunities to develop their skills and expertise.

Our environment, multiple curriculums and overall approach maximises life skills and independence.

We aim to: 

  • Make a real difference to the families and young people we support.
  • Create a happy, secure and supportive learning environment, rich in creativity and challenge.
  • Ensure that every pupil has a voice that is valued.
  • Offer every pupil full and equal access to all areas of the curriculum, taking into account developmental needs through personalised learning.
  • Help each pupil achieve the greatest possible degree of personal independence.
  • Prepare each pupil for life beyond school, encouraging a sense of self-worth and recognition of themselves as part of the community.
  • Integrate therapies with curriculum activities wherever possible.
  • Value all adults’ and pupils’ contributions to the school’s progress and celebrate success and achievement.
  • Foster self-confidence, a high degree of responsibility and respect for self and others.
  • Ensure all adults access appropriate training and encourage development to reach their full potential.

The development of every person matters at Woodlands.  We make sure of it. 




Woodlands School Values

We consulted with our School Council and pupil body to see what values mattered most to them.  They agreed on nine core values that we can all hope to live by in order to be good people. We use these values in our everyday work through the curriculum,  using the language as we teach to reinforce its understanding and meaning.  Each week,  staff and pupils consider members of our community who have shown greatness in one (or more) of our values and they are celebrated through our weekly assemblies and online through our Star of the Week feature on Facebook which is enjoyed by many of our families and supported.  In this way we share what really matters to us at our school while promoting important values of being a great human.  Below are our values. 

Why not come into school and hear all about them from our pupils?