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  3. We need your old clothes and shoes

We need your old clothes and shoes

5 October 2016 (by admin)

Please donate your old clothes and shoes so that we can benefit from free bell boating sessions. Final donation day - 12th October.

Dear Families, I would like to tell you about an exciting project we are involved in. We are working closely with Mountbatten Centre Charity trust to make activities on the water as accessible as possible. The charity wishes to raise funds for the purchase of two bell boats which allow people who are mobility impaired to access water sports. We have already benefitted from using such equipment in the past and we also know how much benefit our young people get from being involved in physical, adventurous activity. We are hoping that you will be able to help us in our quest. We are asking you to participate in fundraising by sending your good condition, but surplus to needs, clothing, jewellery and shoes (in pairs) for us to raise money. Please see more details on the reverse of this letter. Families can send any items into school, preferably in a strong, secured sack and we will arrange collection. Thanks for your support, Andrea Hemmens